AGV and AMR Are Becoming More Complex

To enable the industry to keep pace with trends through quick and cost-efficient development, Markus Fenn and Prof. Dr. Stefan May developed Eduard, a teaching and prototyping platform that can be used to map current trends.

Pallet Moving Robots Are Game Changers - And Easy to Implement Fast

Even if you don't have immediate plans to add robotic automation to your order picking process, you can still leverage the benefits with pallet moving robots. These robots improve the workflow at the transport dock - improving the speed to unload and load trucks.

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Featured Product

DualMove Pallet System Utilizes Timing Belt for Precise Robotic Integration

DualMove Pallet System Utilizes Timing Belt for Precise Robotic Integration

Our highly advanced DualMove Pallet System for assembly automation is ideal for increasing the efficiency, generation, and precision of pallet traffic. Additionally, it reduces downtime costs that could disrupt production. DualMove is designed to work with the precision timing that robotic integration requires to be successful.